Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don't you just abhor those people who give a false email address to Yahoo ?

I receive lots of comments on my answers and would like to follow up, but can't because the email address is fake? What gives?Don't you just abhor those people who give a false email address to Yahoo ?
It isn't fake, the idiots have not verified the email address, so it will not go through. I am so over writing back, spending much time and thought, only to have the message, 'cannot address unverified. '; Very frustrating.Don't you just abhor those people who give a false email address to Yahoo ?
it's for their protection. They probably don't want people harassing them or sending them obscene messages. I can understand why it's frustrating at times because if they have a good answer or you want to ask them for more advice on a topic you can't follow it up because they give you a false email. But you also have to empathize with them because it's ignorant, obscene people who don't know how to act that make them not want to reveal or give out their emails...

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