Does the act of wearing makeup set people up for disappointment when the makeup comes off?Do you think makeup creates false expectations of beauty for women?
I do think that makeup is deceptive, especially if it's done by someone who is very talented with makeup. That said, I think grooming yourself in general is deceptive.
Think of beautiful women you know for instance... most likely they have good hair, good skin, they wear makeup, they are fit, they wear nice clothes, etc. Think of them without having those things... they're not as above average when you realize that. Then look at people who are unkempt and/or not in shape... usually they are on the same level as the more attractive people, they just don't put anywhere near as much effort into their appearance.
I think truly beautiful people are quite rare, and I also think truly unattractive people are quite rare too. Most people are average to one extent or another. Some just maximize their looks and others minimize it. Makeup is one way to maximize a person's looks.Do you think makeup creates false expectations of beauty for women?
I have a great story for you. I had a copy of Rolling Stone with a picture of a Beautiful Latina woman inside of it. I read the entire story and again the pic of her was fantastic. I kept the copy open on my table with the pic facing up. When my boyfriend came over, I showed him the picture and asked him what he thought of her. He said she was gorgeous and would date her. I flipped a couple of pages over to show him another pic of her. It was a pic of a little boy in his little league picture holding a bat. She was a he and had never had the surgery. It was all make up. For what it is worth, She is dead and that was the whole premise of the article about gay bashing. But you get my point. Makeup can change anyone. BTW my boyfriend took it pretty well and just laughed.
Some people maybe disappointed seeing a bare face, while others will not care how you look. Any way Makeup is so passe, the natural look is back.
Of course!
You just should go low on makeup when you meet a new special someone - so it won''t be such a surprise when he sees it all wash of in the shower together
I agree with you. I do not like women that wears make-up. There are two purposes for make-up:
1) To hide the ugly
2) Clowns
makeup is not a mask like you would like to believe. do you think you would look like Brooke Shields with makeup and Oprah without makeup?
Only if you were too blind or (more likely) drunk to have seen through it in the first place.
only if you're a clown
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